Vision Upright MRI Offers Completely Open MRI in San Jose
Did you know that you can get a MRI scan and watch TV while you’re doing it? You don’t have to get in a tube and you don’t have to lie down. You can stand, sit or lie down in the completely Open Upright MRI offered by Vision Upright MRI in San Jose, CA.
An upright MRI is comfortable and easy but the best part is that your doctor will get a better diagnosis and can provide you with a better treatment plan. The Upright MRI has the ability to scan patients in positions clinically relevant to the signs and symptoms and enables weight-bearing positional evaluation. This is where the term ‘multipositional’ comes from!
If you still have pain and your last MRI came up negative, then you need a weight-bearing and/or positional MRI. Traditional “tube” scanners are limited by the non-weight-bearing position and often do not expose the pathology that causes the pain.
Upright and positional open MRI is better able to reveal and rule out potential pathology.
Why take the time to get a MRI scan in a tube when you can sit, stand or lie in a completely open MRI – watch TV and get a better diagnosis?
Vision Upright MRI also utilizes a specialized scoliosis coil at our San Jose clinic that can take a full image of the entire upright spine in JUST SIX MINUTES!
This unique radiation-free evaluation can also monitor the success of scoliosis treatment. An accurate evaluation of scoliosis requires the patient to be upright. Conventional recumbent “tube” MRI machines cannot meet this need.
This radiation-free application can be performed in the same amount of time as diagnosis and monitoring by x-ray but without harmful ionizing radiation. It sees not only the curvature of the vertebrae but also the soft tissue, including the discs; as well as saggital and axial views of the entire spine.
The 3-plane visualizations are achieved by 3D acquisition with curved multi-planar reconstruction. Both Cobb angles and angular rotation of the vertebrae are measured including the spinal cord, intervertebral discs, nerve roots and spinal ligaments. The National Cancer Institute reported in a 2000 study of 5,466 women that demonstrated with scoliosis experienced a 70% greater risk of developing breast cancer that resulted from their protracted exposure to diagnostic x-ray.
The successful treatment of Scoliosis now has radiation free diagnosis and monitoring in San Jose.